Highland | City Club

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Looking for Chauncey

When was the last time you watched Peter Sellers play Chauncey the Gardener?

Highland City Club is blessed to have one of the largest and most unique award winning gardens in Boulder, if not Colorado. We feel fortunate to have had Constance Peck design and build our gardens starting 40 years ago, and for Will Kohler to spend over two decades building our garden infrastructure. But going forward, we need a gardening team more than a gardener, since there is so much to do, and the normal wear and tear of hundreds of people a month touring, working and eating in the gardens needs a whole new level of care we have not been accustomed to.

In light of the above, we want to put out the word to our own community that we are looking for a master gardener who likes to talk to plants and call them by their names; is not afraid to work hard and get their hands dirty. We also need members who want to help do spring cleaning, weed and hand water. In short, we want our own Chauncey to lead our gardening team!

If you are interested, and/or know someone who is, please have them contact me directly. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone. 

– Sina.