Highland | City Club

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A Tipping Point

My good friend and business mentor Jim Collins once told me “it takes twenty years of hard work to have an overnight success.”

We started the process of converting Highland office to Highland City Club in 2005, and it took us over a decade to pass the 100 member mark. This June we added 16 new business members, four new social members and signed four office leases, so for the first time ever, we have more Business than Social members; more younger vs. older members.

Last month’s transition of our operating system to Optix was hard, chaotic and frustrating, but we think the worst is over, so thanks for your cooperation. This was a trial by fire for my son Dustin, and a generational shift in our family. In short, we took a giant leap, safely landed on the other side, and are now finding our bearings, fixing the bugs and apologizing profusely for all the feathers we ruffled, and mistakes we made.

Thank you for hanging in there with us while we go through our growing pains.
