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Modern Day Philosophers

Life has a way of living us unless we live it.

So how do we go about living life?! Whom should we consult? What roadmap should we adopt?! 

Enter the philosophers. 

And, who, you may ask, is a philosopher?

Most people sleepwalk through life, not fully living, but merely existing, their reptilian brain constantly striving to secure food, shelter, security, and sex. In order to live life well, one needs to know how to live like a philosopher. In fact, the Stoics believe it is a grave mistake to give philosophy our life scraps, something to be addressed only after the workday is through.

A philosopher is not someone simply focused on static truths buried in ancient books. Instead, a true philosopher constantly strives to create, not just discover, the wisest and most workable path forward -- imagine the honeybee moving from flower to flower in order to sample the nectar on the way to creating its own unique honey.

Philosophy is more art than science, and the philosopher is more of a creative artist than a curious scientist. A true philosopher joyfully participates in the sorrows of the world, surfing the edge between genius and madness, urgency and patience, contemplation and action, frugalness and generosity.

Real wokeness is neither part of the Cancel Culture nor part and parcel of Critical Race Theory. Instead, its true adherents are at home reading Rumi to see beyond the veil; studying Bhagavad Gita, striving to become Arjuna; and diving into Joseph Campbell’s teachings on the way to become one of the thousand faces of his mythical hero.

City Club member Kevin Townley, who I am honored to call a friend and a Brother, is a modern day philosopher and teacher, from whom I have been learning for over a decade. Starting next week, Kevin will resume his monthly talks at City Club, and I want to invite you to join me for these lunch gatherings.

— Sina.