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A Pilgrimage

Over forty years ago I spent the summer traveling in Europe trying to figure out what to do with my life. Though I had succeeded academically and had plenty of family money in the bank, I was lonely, confused and had no idea what to do with the rest of my life, which country to live in, what to do for a career, or where to find my soulmate.

Having spent the biblical forty years wandering in the desert of life trying to pay off the mortgage, stay married and raise kids, I am finally comfortable in my own skin and believe I have entered the promised land with a nice home, garden, friends and family at Highland.

After 45 years, I am headed back to Europe, but this time, instead of planning for the life ahead, I am hoping to take an inventory of the life I have lived, the values I have added, and the damages I have caused.

A pilgrim strives to recognize that the ultimate goal of our life is union with God, and therefore our whole life should be a prayer in itself. In my case, my pilgrimage is a metaphysical journey into my own beliefs. Hopefully walking an average of fifteen miles a day on Camino de Santiago will give me plenty of time to think and reflect, allowing me to come back in October a better man with a more clear understanding of who I want to be when I grow up.