Highland | City Club

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The Flywheel Effect

As an engineer, I have always been fascinated by the physics of the flywheel. In his best selling management book, Good to Great, Jim Collins dedicated a chapter to the effects of the flywheel as it applies to the start-up and growth of an organization. 

Asian cultures use the example of how bamboo grows an inch a year for the first four years, and then eighty feet the fifth year. 

By now we have been working on the renovation of Highland for forty years. At times we felt the pain and uncertainty the Jews must have felt wandering in the Sinai Desert for forty years. But starting a year ago, after the completion of our various construction projects, all of a sudden Highland’s energy started to shift, younger members started joining, and one could feel the effect of the flywheel. 

Currently, the best place to feel this momentum is in the dining room at lunch, where every table is full, the food is delicious and plentiful as always, and intimate social and business connections are made naturally and effortlessly. 

Thank you for your continued moral and financial support to get us to this point. Please plan to visit soon. 

- Sina