Critical Thinking Re: 9/11

[04.27.2020] Newsletter: MM.png

Surely no statute of limitations, legally-speaking or otherwise, should apply when it comes to the public's interest in certain matters. Some truths unfold only with the passage of time.  

We'll set the table with two examples. It was not until many years thereafter that the public really understood the degree to which it had been (intentionally) misled in order to garner its initial support of that national hallucination known as  Vietnam (MM 9/25/17, click Vietnam). Then, the so-called war on drugs, having become a classic cure-far-worse-than-the-disease, was itself born out of a cynical ploy to accomplish other ends (see the years-later deathbed confession of John Erlichman that the Nixon White House's drug war was a way to provide a cloak of legitimacy around its attacks on blacks and hippies, MM 9/26/16, click War On Drugs). The common elements: lack of transparency; undisclosed agenda; engineered public perception. 

Onward. Our next session will be a discussion that, were it framed as a debate, would posit Resolved: there is reasonable doubt concerning the official story about the events that surrounded the tragedy known as September 11, 2001, as set forth in the 911 Commission Report.

Our focus discussion piece is a video presentation titled "911: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out" (click: Re-Examination of 9/11 ) which features the viewpoint of numerous architects and engineers who have put into play the unsettling notion that the scientific forensic evidence points to the cause of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers demolition to have been controlled explosions. 

Be aware of your immediate reaction to such a proposition. One esteemed club member, hearing of the topic, dismissed any desire to proceed with the tongue-in-cheek reminder that, yes, we really did put a man on the moon, followed by his more-telling comment, "  . .  9/11 wounded us all so deeply that I cannot think of joining any further discussion of this topic," reflecting a widely-held sentiment that will play a large part in our ensuing discussion.

The video segment in full runs ninety-eight minutes (starts at the 0:11:30 mark and ends at  1:49:00).  However, with reference to the above-mentioned reluctance to even engage with the subject, would suggest one initially watch the latter part of the video (starting at the 1:31:30 mark) which addresses the very real psychological resistance behind even entertaining a conflicting narrative. Such blockage is known as cognitive dissonance -- the inability to reconcile two (seemingly) irreconcilable worlds i.e. the safety and security that goes with America's sense of its very exceptionalism vs. the possible implications arising from explanations outside the official story. Be honest with yourself. Don't waste your time should you deem yourself absolutely resolute in your resistance to any information or perspective that could be in conflict with the narrative. But how do you know what you believe is actually true?

The essence of the video, then, is the presentation by a substantial number of architects and engineers, together with the accounts of key eye witnesses and rescue workers, calling for a "truly independent investigation with subpoena power" of the attacks that day, including an inquiry into the possible use of explosives. The reason for the discussion piece via video is that it conveys the message in a way not easily matched on paper. Ask yourself as to each and every presenter whether you sense any possible alternative motive -- be it ideological, financial, fame, vengeance -- beyond the steadfast search for the simple truth of what happened that day. The evidence section runs about eighty minutes -- roughly the time of one quarter of an NFL game. 

Surely we owe them (and ourselves) that much -- a fair viewing, some critical thinking, and an informed discussion. We are not out there in some speculative frenzy to determine the who or what might have been otherwise ultimately responsible. We're simply asking whether there is reasonable doubt about the story we were told.  

Keep your eye on WTC 7.

Please note: Our physical sessions have been temporarily replaced by virtual teleconferencing sessions. While the logistics are still somewhat evolving, you (members and their guests) may RSVP for the event by clicking on the "Join The Call" button found in The Weekly at 11:00 a.m. Friday or by sending an email to [email protected]  at such time after which you will receive instructions in how to participate.

Steve SmithComment