The Two-State Problem


The proposed floating pier to be constructed by U.S. military personnel off the Gaza coast.


After seventy-five years of peace and prosperity, mainly thanks to America’s political leadership, military strength, and economic wealth, the world is once again on the brink of war due to America’s political weakness.

Putin’s reelection as Russia’s President for life, the failure of the U.S. Congress to provide financial support to Ukraine and Israel, Israel’s multi-front war with Iran, which is on the verge of explosion, and President Xi of China dictating terms to President Biden regarding Taiwan entitle us to ask – What in the world is going on?!

We might also take note that this week, gold broke through the $2300 ceiling, Bitcoin traded over $70,000, and the Chinese have apparently chosen to load up on gold over holding US Treasures, all of which begs the question of what exactly is going on with the U.S. Dollar?

Here is my humble opinion regarding our current state:

Yes, the US Dollar is a fiat currency, but it's backed by the largest and most powerful military in the world. When America fails to exercise its military power properly, loses wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, prints trillions of dollars with no plan to pay the interest, let alone repay the principal, abandons her allies like Israel and Ukraine, and starts to lecture our democratic allies about whom to elect as their leader and how to conduct a war, while our own house is in disorder, her enemies take note of her hypocrisy and internal weaknesses.

The upcoming November election is a lose-lose proposition that we must acknowledge and confront in the hope our constitution is strong enough to help us prevail. President Trump has painted himself into a corner in that he has to win or end up in jail; his new SPAC is worth $5 billion, or nothing. Meanwhile, President Biden has become so focused on his legacy that, instead of trying to help end the Israeli-Palestinian war, hoping to create a two-state solution, he has become distracted with his own two-state problem in the form of Michigan and Minnesota. Each man focuses on what’s best for himself over what’s best for the country.

America has certainly seen worse and has done better. Let us pray we can get through these particularly trying times as a united nation.

— Sina