City Club Social


I take inspiration on how to build a community from many sources, and who better than Benjamin Franklin? In 1727, Franklin and a group of friends founded the Junto Club, also known as the Leather Apron Club, referencing their Masonic background. In 1743, this club morphed into the American Philosophical Society, which still exists today.

While I am no Franklin and our community does not have a stellar 280-year uninterrupted history, City Club strives to emulate Franklin’s focus on exercising the mind on subjects such as the advancement of science and human evolution. However, we endeavor to balance this task with emphasizing fun and play, delicious food, and exotic drinks. As they say, all work and no play makes for a dull life, not to mention the man. Hence, as promised, here comes the fun on which we shall spare no effort or expense.

Forty-five years after Highland’s renovation and nineteen years after its humble beginning in its dark basement, City Club now has ~300 of the coolest, smartest, and most caring members. Looking back, we see the Great Recession of 2008 and the recent Pandemic as having been nature’s way of pruning our membership to strengthen our roots.

To update some of our newer members, at the outset, we were more of an idea than a real community. We mostly attracted the older intellectual bargain-hunting crowd, leading outsiders to refer to the club as the “geriatric ward.” We overcame that notion by renovating Highland’s attic into a “co-working” place to attract younger members. Our youth orientation was significantly bolstered when Dustin joined the cause after completing his college education and gaining some life experience on his own.

That brings us to today as we face two new challenges: 1) the installation of professional management, allowing us to extend our operating hours to evenings and weekends, and 2) our continued focus on fun programming.

My idea of fun has always been to work on favored projects. Fortunately, Dustin's epigenetics seem to have skipped this particular flaw, as evidenced by his preference and talent for hosting various fun social events, the latest of which was the club’s anniversary celebration last month and my “surprise” birthday party last week.

And indeed, what a surprise it was for me to have such a good time hanging out with members, friends, and guests who showed up just to say hi or stay the night. The gardens, the food, the drinks, and the jazz music created an enchanting environment that Dustin plans to repeat more often. Please see this year’s Event Calendar and our recent Announcement for more such events and mark your calendar accordingly.

I plan to learn to have more fun, even if it kills me!

— Sina

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