Kevin Townley


City Club member and Scholar in Residence Kevin Townley is an author, teacher, and student of the Western Mysteries and Ageless Wisdom for nearly 40 years. He began his studies in a Carmelite Seminary at the age of 13, and from there was drawn to study the Ageless Wisdom. Kevin completed his decade-long curriculum with the Builders of the Adytum, a comprehensive study in the western Mysteries which includes the Qabalah, Tarot, Tree of Life, Alchemy, and Astrology.

Kevin worked for two years in a full-time position at a laboratory dedicated to the practical study of alchemy and spagery. He has conducted workshops on Qabalah, Spagyrics, Alchemy, and Tarot in the United States and in Europe. He co-founded the Hermetic School, The Philosophers of Nature, which has a seven-year curriculum in laboratory alchemy and Qabalah. Kevin's teachings include classes on the Western Mysteries at The Colorado Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Boulder College, and Sancta Sophia Theological Seminary.

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